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What Is Dry Tripping? All About The Sober Travel Trend

You may have heard about the recently popular trend, “dry tripping”.

Curious about the concept? Let’s discuss what it is, why it’s gaining popularity, and how you can take part!

What Is Dry Tripping?

Dry tripping” is pretty straightforward. Dry = alcohol-free, tripping = vacationing. It’s as simple as taking a vacation free from any alcoholic beverages.

Many travelers may opt for non-alcoholic beer or wine if they still want to enjoy the tastes of their favorite drinks, but avoid the side effects. Mocktails (mock cocktails) are a huge part of this trend and have been on the rise in recent years. Many craft cocktail spots will have a whole list of house-made cocktails featuring unique fruit juices, artisanal syrups, and aesthetically pleasing garnishes.

Behind the Trend

The dry-tripping trend is on the rise, so let’s discuss the reasons behind the popularity.

Avoiding Hangovers

We all know the feeling of overdoing it one wild night and regretting it in the morning. On a sober trip, you can avoid that nasty sting of a hangover and have more energy throughout the trip for the activities you really want to do. You may also just be seeking reprieve from a summer of drinking and feel the need for a dry trip to allow your body to relax and recuperate.

Sober Curious

Many people are taking a hard look at their drinking habits and thinking about becoming sober. A dry trip is a great way to try cutting down or cutting out drinking, especially since a fun-filled vacation allows you to have a thrilling time sans liquor.

Saving Money

We all know expensive a glass of wine or craft cocktail has become in recent years. Cutting alcohol out of your trip can save you hundreds of dollars! You can pocket that cash, or use that part of your budget for other activities like fine dining, outdoor excursions, museum trips, or whatever fits your vibe.

Sober Travel with Pack Up + Go

Wanna take part in dry-tripping with the added twist of mystery and surprise? Pack Up + Go has you covered.

Pre-Trip Survey

Our Pre-Trip Survey is the key to creating personalized trips for each and every traveler we work with. You can indicate what kind of experiences you like, your unique interests, and much more - including if you’d like to stay sober and avoid alcohol on the trip! In our “anything else we NEED to know?” section, you can also indicate if you’re interested in sampling alcohol-free wines, testing out mocktails, or any info that will make your trip perfect for YOU.

Hand-Picked Destinations

Using your answers from the survey, we choose a destination that fits your travel and accommodation preferences and your desired activities so we can ensure the vacation suits your needs and wants. Every destination is different, and our expert Trip Planning Team knows how to choose locations that mesh with our travelers’ vision for their getaway.

Curated Recommendations

Each Pack Up + Go Trip comes with curated recommendations of activities, food, drinks, and sights. Equipped with your Pre-Trip Survey, our planners can assemble a list that perfectly aligns with your tastes, interests, and special requests, such as alcohol-free restaurants and mocktail bars!

You’re all up to speed on dry tripping! Pack Up + Go prides itself on curating getaways perfectly tailored to a wide variety of travelers and their desires. When you’re ready to book an alcohol-free surprise trip, we’ll be ready to plan it for you!