Packing Tips You Need ASAP

If you’re anything like us, you want to be a minimalist when it comes to packing and dream of a day when you will travel through the airport with a single carry-on bag, but are continuously struck with the concern of “not bringing the right thing”.

Below are some of the tips + tricks our team members utilize to stress less when packing.

Written by Amelia Johnson

Flat lay of a woman's luggage
    • Pack by Color:

      • If you have packing anxiety about not having enough “looks” while away, take a page out of our Director of Marketing’s book and plan your outfits according to the same color palette.

      • If you are already living by the rules of a capsule wardrobe then you can skip to the next tips, but for the rest of us burdened by a large selection of outfits for each vacation, this can advice can be life-changing.

      • The trick is to pick a set of colors (she usually sticks to 3) and only packs clothing items that fit within those parameters. This mentally removes many items from the list of possibilities and helps to reduce the stress associated with packing by decreasing the options.

      • It also gives you the opportunity to create more outfits while on vacation since everything matches! The color matching extends to shoes + accessories as well.

    • Lay it All Out:

      • Another trick to minimizing over-packing tendencies is to lay everything out before actually packing anything into your suitcase.

      • Seeing everything clearly laid out may help you to realize which items aren’t pulling their weight. That pair of pants that can only be worn with that one top and those shoes that you weren’t already planning to pack? Back in the drawer.

    • Deal with the Dirty:

      • The only thing worse than having to end your vacation is having to unpack your suitcase when you get home. We’ve all been there. You get home from your weekend getaway and are too tired to unpack your suitcase. It then stays open and overflowing for weeks on end. Moreover, you probably didn’t separate your dirty from your clean clothes. That’s where this tip comes in. You can pack one or grab one along your way, but a normal plastic grocery bag works great to separate your dirty clothes from your outfits still left to wear.

      • Another option is to purchase a reusable “stuff sack” that will allow you to not only keep the dirty clothes separate but will keep them very contained and small as these bags are compressible. With either option, when you arrive home, you can empty the bag(s) into the washing machine and can check at least one task off your post-vacation to-do list. 

    • Invest in Packing Cubes 

      • Remember when you convinced yourself that you would remember where you packed everything in your suitcase, and now all of your once-folded items are scattered all over the floor? Instead of letting this happen to you over and over again, try separating your clothing for each day into packing cubes instead! That way, when you get to your vacation destination, you don’t have to dump all of your suitcase contents out on the floor when you’re trying to find the shirt you planned to wear with those cute shorts. Plus, you can very easily move the packing cubes into the drawers of your hotel dresser and instantly be done unpacking.

    • Timing is Key

      • “Always wait until the absolute last minute, we’re talking the last minute, 10 minutes before your flight to pack”. SAID NO ONE EVER. And yet, we all do it. Of course, do what works for you, but we know that sometimes travel anxiety encourages us to put off packing which in turn causes more anxiety in a never-ending cycle of travel panic.

      • While there is no perfect amount of time that exists for everyone, many members of our team start packing 1 or 2 weeks before the trip departure to help them remember everything they may have forgotten.

    • Stay Hydrated + Fed = Remain Calm

      • This might be a no-brainer. Pack snacks and a reusable, refillable water bottle to avoid purchasing overpriced items at the airport and hotel mini-fridge. Most airports have water fountains that are complete with water bottle refilling stations to accommodate those who attempt to be eco-friendly (and budget-friendly!)

      • We recommend bringing two snacks: one for the airport and another for when you arrive at the hotel. Make sure your water bottle is empty before going through security or you might have to be that person chugging its contents in addition to scrambling to unload your computer and take off your shoes.  

6 Packing Tips You Need ASAP Pinterest Graphic

With so many “what-ifs” associated with travel (+ especially Surprise Travel), making sure you’re packed perfectly allows you to live in the moment.

We hope you're feeling empowered and ready to conquer your packing woes for your upcoming vacation.

Remember, preparation is key, and by implementing these packing tips, you can ensure a stress-free + organized travel experience from start to finish.

As you carefully fold your favorite outfits, neatly tuck away travel essentials, and strategically plan your luggage layout, envision the excitement that awaits you at your surprise destination!

Did we miss anything? Comment below your best packing tips 👜✈️


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